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湖北国际经合国际贸易跑出“加速度” ——首趟石材专列顺利驶向老挝

日期:2023-02-18 10:20 点击数:

湖北国际经合国际贸易跑出“加速度” ——首趟石材专列顺利驶向老挝


On the afternoon of February 16, HIETCInternational Freight Train, loaded with construction stones for the Laos Project aided by China, started off susseccefully from Wuhan, Hubei.

这是湖北国际经合自去年6月首发老挝建材设备专列后,再次“南下”老挝的国际货运专列,也是今年首趟由武汉发往老挝的建筑石材专列。对此,湖北国际经合提前统筹谋划,加快推进装箱、集运、海关等环节,并在相关政府部门和企业的大力支持下,按照特事特办的方式“一路绿灯”,3 天内高质高效如期完成所有流程。

This is second international freight train "southward" to Laos after the first special train for building materials and equipment of Laos started by HIETC since June,2022. It is also this year’s first special train for building stone from Wuhan to Laos. Therefore, HIETC has made overall plans in advance to speed up all the links including packing, collection and transportation, customs. With the strong support of relevant government departments and enterprises, HIETC completed all the processes through “green channel” in three days with high quality and efficiency as scheduled.


After departure, the special train will leave from the Mohan Port in Yunnan Province and arrive at Vientiane Railway Station in Laos 10 days later. It will travel nearly 3,000 kilometers, and saving more than half of the time compared with traditional sea transportation.


As an important project for the connection between China's "One belt and one road" initiative and Laos's "change from a land-locked country to a land-linked country"strategy, China-Laos Railway is the key starting point of the Trans-Asian Railway. In recent years, HIETC has been seizing the opportunity and give play to the "golden gateway" of the Sino-Lao railway. Relied on the Sino-Lao railway, it has successively export construction materials, machinery and equipment, domestic cars and other "made in China" products to Laos, and gradually helped the "acceleration" of the Sino-Lao international trade gateway,gathering the wisdom and strength of HIETC for the economic cooperation for our province to speed up the construction of a new-pattern national leading zone, and to promote the construction of "one belt and one " initiative with high-quality development.
